[Commotion-announce] seeking input - what additional routers should Commotion support?

Chris Ritzo critzo at opentechinstitute.org
Wed May 14 08:42:01 EDT 2014

Hello! The Commotion team is working on expanding support for additional
router models and would love to hear from the community on this list
about what routers you're using or would like to use with Commotion.

I've put together a summary blog post with more info:

With our upcoming point release (Commotion Router 1.1), we'll be adding
supported images for several routers:

- TP Link WDR4300
- Mikrotik RB411AH
- Buffalo G300NH
- Buffalo AG300N

In general, Commotion Router has these system requirements:

- Wireless chipset (target) is ar71xx or atheros
- The router has greater than 4MB of flash
(4MB is recommended for optimal support - we're working on images for
the many routers with 4MB of flash memory)
- The router supports OpenWRT 10.x Attitude Adjustment or greater

We’ve compiled a list of potentially compatible routers on our wiki as a

But we'd also like to hear from you to help focus our list to support
hardware that's available in your area. We'd particularly like to hear
from folks who are not in the US.

If you are interested in helping out and have one or more of the routers
on our list, contact us! We’ll even build a testing image for you if
your device is compatible!

Chris Ritzo
Senior Technologist, Open Technology Institute
New America Foundation
1899 L St. NW Suite 400
Washington, D.C 20036

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