[Commotion-dev] Commotion Android UI Testing

Andrew Reynolds andrew at opentechinstitute.org
Wed Sep 26 21:42:01 UTC 2012

On 09/26/2012 05:06 PM, Dan Staples wrote:
> Here is some feedback/questions:
>   * The testing procedures mention starting Commotion then starting a
>     Cryptocat chat.  Will they be asked to poke around the MeshTether
>     app first?  If not, the test seems more designed to test whether the
>     user understands a mesh network rather than testing the UX of the app.

Yeah, I've been struggling with that question. The problem is that to a
lot of people, the network is just a utility. Without a specific
interest in network diagnostics, I suspect most folks would turn it on,
say "Yep! It's meshing!" and leave it at that.

The use case I went with when I wrote the question was a person who
would connect to the commotion mesh and leave it running mostly in the
background. I want them to be able to ignore it when they want to, but
still be able to find useful information when they need it.

I'm open to alternate tasks.

>   * Is the app going to be called Commotion or MeshTether?

There was a thread about that a while back. For what it's worth, I
always look for it under Commotion, not MeshTether.

>   * What will be included when you tell users what Commotion is about? 
>     Will they be told what 'mesh', 'node', 'gateway', 'network
>     topology', and the like mean?  Some of the questions rely on a user
>     knowing these terms.

Good point. I had figured on fleshing it out a bit before the Summit,
but I think the presenter could vary the details depending on the user.

>   * Some other possible questions:
>       o Did the app seem overwhelming?  Was there too much information
>         presented at once?
>       o Did you feel lost at any point when using the app?
>       o Maybe ask them to rate on a scale of 1-5 how user-friendly they
>         thought the app was.

The first question seems too broad to stand on its own. It's probably
more useful in the context of the second question.

I think user-friendliness on a scale of 1-5 is pretty ambiguous.

> For the survey, I would suggest asking:
>   * how frequently, if ever, the user uses wifi networks with their
>     Android phone.
>   * how long have they owned or used an Android phone?

Oh, good call.


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