[Commotion-dev] Updating the OLSR-Visualizer

Seamus Tuohy s2e at opentechinstitute.org
Thu Feb 20 16:10:27 UTC 2014

Hello All,

We will be doing some work on the OLSR-Visualizer over the next two
months. We want to get your thoughts to make sure that we don't remove
any useful functionality, and that we improve the major pain points that
currently exist. As such, we would appreciate feedback to the following

1) How do you currently use the olsr-viz? (e.g. What types of tasks is
the visualizer better for than other status menu's? What other
information do you compare the visualizer against in order to fully
complete the main tasks you use the viz for?)

2) What is most important to you from the current viz. (e.g. What parts
of the current visualizer are vital to the tasks that you do? What would
you miss if we removed it?)

3) What parts of the current viz do you not like? (e.g. What are the
pain points that make using the viz difficult, confusing, or annoying?)

We appreciate your feedback.


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