[Commotion-discuss] Introducing myself.

Merouan Mekouar merouanm at gmail.com
Fri Sep 2 11:10:42 CDT 2011

Hi everyone,

My name is Merouan, I am a PhD student in Political Science at McGill
University - Montréal. I also heard about commotion through the french
website lemonde.fr and I immediately fell in love with the project!!

I am currently doing my research on the concept of "informational cascades"
or why random instances of street protest spiral in some cases and not
others (for instance, I am trying to understand why would the
self-immolation of a street vendor trigger massive protests in Tunisia and
not elsewhere in the Arab world). Nothing tech related as you can see but I
do speak/write Arabic and French fluently and would be very very happy to
help with translations or anything else if need be.

Again, I would like to congratulate all those working on the project. Coming
from the Arab world, I can only testify on the importance of a free (and
secure) access to the internet for the defence of individual freedoms.


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