[Commotion-discuss] CW Firmware on a Ubiquiti Picostation M2HP

Nicolas North star at nikksno.io
Sun Apr 3 11:41:27 EDT 2016

Hi everybody!

I’m looking to start a mesh network here in Milano [Italia] where I live and I need some help :)

I have a ubiquiti picosta tion m2hp that I can’t get to work with the cw openwrt firmware.

I downloaded the factory image from the website and followed the guide but after I uploaded the new firmware from the airmax web interface and after the pico rebooted it only had the power and network lights on and seemed to create no network at all: it didn’t provide any dhcp so I tried to connect to it manually by setting ip address and netmask on my macbook and trying all kinds of stuff but I had no success.

I tried it the tftp way then but it failed with a 512 "firmware check failed" error code. So I tried flashing three different pure openwrt firmwares onto it but it kept failing with the same code.

I tried ddwrt out of curiosity and it works perfectly.

I was never able to get it back to airmax thought: tftp doesn’t fail but after it reboots it gets stuck in a 20 second bootloop and even after power cycling it it keeps restarting and never becomes reachable. Do you think I could try at least reverting it to airmax from the ddwrt web interface?

I have tried compiling openwrt from scratch specifically with the ath9k drivers but after three hours of compilation it still fails via tftp with the same error.

I’m using the bullet image as instructed.

The pico is brand new so I don’t want to open it and void the warranty.

What can I do to fix this?
Thank you very much in advance!

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