Twowheeled Trans Am twowheeledtransam at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 28 15:17:02 CDT 2001

Dear all,

It has not been much since I heard about the
critical-mass and this website. I joined people with
the same aim-a cleaner transportation- in Europe 4
years ago. I was impressed by the attention of people
to this matter, and I had a great time.

Thereafter, I and several friends, started organizing
such events in our country, Turkey, where the
transportation becomes a real problem for the
environment sometimes. However, we couldn't do it on a
regular basis like you guys could do. But, this year,
we are going to have a two weeks ride along the south
and southwest coasts and we are expecting friends from
Germany, Italy, and France. If you think you want to
join us, please contact me. I'm in Champaign-Urbana

See you next ride...

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