[CMI-CM] slightly more serious

Arun Bhalla bhalla at uiuc.edu
Mon Feb 26 19:00:02 CST 2001

So I was biking to WEFT from campus, and I usually take Stoughton west
to First and then take Chester to University.  It seems smoother and safer
than taking other routes like Springfield, University, or that crazy alley
just south of University.  Well, this week the right lane of First Street
is under construction north of White Street.  No big problem, I just
ride in the lane hugging the barriers as close as is safe, but then a
coupe comes out of the auto shop parking lot on the other side of the
road, almost hesitates to enter the lane, then does so, cutting me off
and nearly hitting me.  I demonstrate my anger with a few gestures and choice
words, and the passenger yells back something to the effect of "Get on
the sidewalk!"  But as we all know, sidewalks are for walking, not biking.
Second, the sidewalk was ripped up in places due to construction.

Certainly nothing new, but it's one of many reasons why I ride on Critical
Mass every month.


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