[CMI-CM] Next Critical Mass less than 2 weeks away!

Arun Bhalla bhalla at uiuc.edu
Mon Sep 17 03:49:01 CDT 2001

The next Critical Mass is on September 28 -- just 11 days away.  If we
want to build on the momentum from last month's great ride, we need
to be talking to our friends and promoting on the streets and elsewhere.
There are flyers at http://critical-mass.groogroo.com, and people are
welcome to create their own.  

We'll also need a route.  Anyone can propose a route, or we could play
the route game again and plan "by committee."

I'm hoping this month's ride will be even larger than last month's!


p.s. If there are updated flyers reflecting the time change from 5pm to 5:15pm,
I'd appreciate a copy so the website can be updated.  This is not strictly
necessary, but it'd be nice. :)

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