No subject

Sun Feb 8 02:49:10 CST 2004

> Corks are the diplomats of the ride. Their title comes from their
> function. Here's how they work: one or two bicyclists block each lane
> of oncoming traffic as the ride goes through an intersection, making
> sure that even if a gap large enough for a car to drive through should
> develop, cars are stopped where they are. This tactic is especially
> effective if the cork takes a friendly, non-antagonistic stance with
> motorists, even holding up signs that say "thanks for waiting" and
> "honk if you like bikes!" Corks need to protect the rear of the ride,
> too, from cars turning into it.  Of course, no one needs to be
> officially designated as a cork, and people will largely take on this
> role of their own initiative.

I am going to show up at the Alma Mater around 4pm with supplies for
making signs. Maybe some other people are also trying to organize the
corking effort, if so then I'll join them. In anycase anyone who is
interested in helping with this, show up early to help make friendly
diplomatic signs.

Zachary C. Miller - @=       
wolfgang at - IMSA '95 -
z-miller at - UIUC '00 -

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