[C-U Smokefree] Right there with Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin!

Scott P Hays sphays at ad.uiuc.edu
Tue Sep 14 14:16:36 CDT 2004

Greetings fellow Communists,

Just got an interesting telephone message on my cell phone in response
to an ad we recorded for Parkland Radio last fall that Parkland Radio is
apparently still running - believe it or not.  The ad uses a "worker's
rights" argument about secondhand smoke exposure from the perspective of
a bartender (voiced by me).  The ad gives my cell number as the CU
Smokefree number "for more information."

And I quote:

"I don't smoke, but I just heard your commercial on the radio and I'd
just like to say if you're a bartender and you don't like smoke, DON'T
BE A BARTENDER!  You can't take away people's right to smoke anywhere
they want to - COMMUNIST!" (Emphasis his).

Just wanted to let you know that ignorance and slander are alive and
well in Champaign-Urbana, and (more importantly) - they're not afraid to
TAKE ACTION! (Emphasis mine)

Prez Scott

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