[C-U Smokefree] Smokefree Restaurants Do Good Business

Theotskl at aol.com Theotskl at aol.com
Fri Sep 17 22:56:02 CDT 2004


Dr. Tsoukalas

>From TobaccoScam at UC-San Francisco
Sept 17, 2004

View the latest TobaccoScam ad at

"Figures don't lie. And they tell me that our bar area is busier since we
went 100% smokefree."
Ken and Melissa Applegate | Owners
Jack's Gourmet Restaurant, Columbia, Missouri

"We had a fire three years ago and when we re-opened, the place smelled so
good and looked so clean we decided to keep the dining room and bar
smokefree," says Ken Applegate. "Results? Bar business is up, dining
business is steady, banquet business is up.

"We've made the kind of place people come for their anniversary. They'll
skip a smoke for a good meal. But the bar is different and we wondered what
would happen.

"It turns out we lost some regulars. But now the bar is full of couples who
bring their kids with them and have a meal at the bar as well as a drink or
two.They would never have come in at all before.

"So economically, we're doing just fine. And the staff likes it, too,
especially the bar staff. They don't have the wheezes they used to have. We
know ventilation systems can never make secondhand smoke safe to breathe.

"In fact, very few people, smokers included, will pay money to breathe
other people's smoke. We're perfectly content to please everybody else."

Get the facts at TobaccoScam.ucsf.edu
Big Tobacco
is lying. Again.

TobaccoScam is a project of Stanton Glantz, PhD, of the School of Medicine,
University of California, San Francisco. San Francisco, CA 94143-1390.

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