[C-U Smokefree] C-U Smokefree Fund Raiser

Kathleen Gary kgary at uiuc.edu
Wed Jul 27 09:43:03 CDT 2005

Hello everyone!

Hot off the press... The latest on our C-U Smokefree Alliance fundraiser:
You are cordially invited to participate in our Eat In, Smoke Out!
Fundraiser event.

The "Eat In, Smoke Out!" event fundraiser at Ned Kelly's will occur on
Monday, August 15th!!  The public is invited to dine at Ned Kelly's on this
day!!  Feeling good by dining at Ned Kelly's is twofold on Monday, August
15th:  First, by inviting your friends to dine with you at Ned Kelly's, you
are supporting smokefree environments!  You are patronizing a fabulous
smokefree establishment and thanking John Schmitt for his decision to be
smokefree this year!!  Secondly, feel good that John Schmitt will donate a
portion of his sales to the C-U Smokefree Alliance from proceeds earned on
this day.  This donation will support the C-U Smokefree Alliance's mission
to have the twin cities of Champaign-Urbana be smokefree!  We hope to see
you there!!  Tell everyone you know about this special day!

Your fellow C-U smokefree Alliance member,

Kathleen Gary

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