[C-U Smokefree] Candidate and election support opportunities

Scott Hays sphcusmokefree at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 23 07:39:55 CST 2007

Hi to all who'd like to help our smokefree candidates.
Requests have been pouring in.

Pat Avery and Annette Williams just sent out a joint
mailing to over 4,000 voters yesterday. Annette paid
our of pocket for the entire cost of that - but she
could use a contribution to help defray that cost. 
Make check payable to "Williams Campaign"

Annette and Pat will be organizing walking teams out
of Democratic HQ in downtown Champaign on Saturday
morning. Time TBA.

Tom Bruno is organizing a phone banking event at his
office on 301 W. Green in Urbana on Monday night from

All candidates can use your financial support, even if
it's just a little.  Please put "Support CU Smokefree"
on the memo line of your check. Candidate addresses
can be found on our website (or on their websites
linked on our website).

I understand Giraldo may be organizing a walk
Saturday, too, but I'm not sure about Tom.

Finally, please let me know ASAP if you would like to
walk to distribute a flyer listing our supporters on
Saturday from 10-12 (no additional candidate
literature). If we can't get a half dozen or so
supporters to do this, I think we'll just let people
walk to help out their preferred candidate(s).

I'll continue to post such opportunities for support,
and remember if you live in Champaign to get out and


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