[Cu-wireless] CD-ROM update

David Young dyoung at ojctech.com
Wed Jun 26 00:16:34 CDT 2002

Yesterday and today I have worked some more on the bootable CD-ROM.
There are two people with whom I would like to share the documentation.
Do we have documentation, yet? =)

I was able to overcome the PtMP hiccup. Now I am stuck on a deficiency
of the ISC DHCP server and relay: I cannot run them both at once. The
reason that I want to do that is to

  a) serve DHCP clients on interfaces belonging to a pod or uplink
     "master" (i.e., the first station in a pod, or the first station
     in an uplink network)
  b) simultaneously relay DHCP requests to the first station in
     a pod, who runs the DHCP server for the pod

Trouble is that both dhcpd and dhcrelay want to bind to the bootps
port on INADDR_ANY, the "wildcard" IP number, regardless of the fact
that they run on *different* interfaces! This is so frustrating. If
they were *polite*, they would bind to the bootps port using the IP
of their respective interfaces. Heck, you could run more than one DHCP
server, then!  Well, I am going to see what workaround I can produce,
short of hacking the relay and server.


David Young             OJC Technologies
dyoung at onthejob.net     Engineering from the Right Brain
                        Urbana, IL * (217) 278-3933

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