[Cu-wireless] Dayton Hamfest

Jon Dugan jdugan at ncsa.uiuc.edu
Wed May 15 13:52:46 CDT 2002

  The Dayton Hamfest is this weekend in Dayton, Ohio.  It is the largest
  hamfest in North America.  Their website is at:


  For those not familiar with hamfests it is a flea market originally aimed at
  amateur radio, but has evolved towards computers and electronics in general.

  Last year I got N connectors for about $1 each (they're about $4.50 to
  order online).  These were the panel mount type and I've used them in
  several antennas including two Pringles cans.

  I'd be happy to pick up stuff for folks up if there is interest.  I am
  looking for N connectors and cables and SMA connectors and cables.  I'll
  also probably look into buying some tools as well.

  If anyone is interested in going, I may have room in my car.

Jon Dugan             |  Senior Network Engineer, NCSA Network Development
jdugan at ncsa.uiuc.edu  |  269 CAB, 605 E Springfield, Champaign, IL 61820
217-244-7715          |  http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/~jdugan/

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