[Cu-wireless] cd-rom update

David Young dyoung at ojctech.com
Fri May 24 23:22:45 CDT 2002

I have begun writing scripts to implement the configuration process

I am not certain of the OSPF configuration AT ALL, I am just guessing
my way through it.

I will have this all on a CD to share at our next meeting.

Here is the process.

1) Attempt to get a pod IP number for broadcast interfaces using DHCP.

1) Attempt to get an uplink-child IP number for broadcast interfaces
   using DHCP.

3) Failing 1 and 2, query the user for IP numbers.

4) Write tentative configuration files for zebra and ospfd.
   * set pod interfaces to non-broadcast networks
   * set uplink interfaces to point-to-point networks 

5) Start zebra and ospfd to discover a route to the configuration

6) Get configuration from the configuration server and the operator.

7) Use configuration to write final configuration files for zebra
   and ospfd. Configure as many interfaces as it is possible.
   * set pod interfaces to non-broadcast networks
   * set uplink interfaces to point-to-point networks whenever
     the station is a "child" on the uplink network, and set to
     point-to-multipoint networks whenever the station is "parent"
     on the uplink network.

8) Write configuration files for DHCP server, DHCP relay, and DHCP

   * On every uplink interface for which we are "master" (i.e., we are
     host #1), answer DHCP requests.
   * For every pod interface configured by DHCP, relay DHCP requests
     on that pod to the server indicated by the DHCP answer.
   * For every other pod interface, answer DHCP requests with IP numbers
     in the pod subnet.
   * On every uplink interface for which we are "master" (i.e., we are
     host #1), answer DHCP requests with IPs on that uplink subnet.
   * On every customer interface, answer DHCP requests with IP numbers
     on that customer subnet.
   * On interfaces that remain without IPs, configure them with DHCP
     if the configuration server commanded it.

9) Restart zebra and ospfd.

10) Start DHCP server, relays, clients.

11) Route and relay/answer DHCP requests until reboot.

David Young             OJC Technologies
dyoung at onthejob.net     Engineering from the Right Brain
                        Urbana, IL * (217) 278-3933

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