[Cu-wireless] new server; next steps

David Young dyoung at pobox.com
Mon Sep 1 21:04:28 CDT 2003

I've bought C-U Wireless a server.

To start, the new server will host the C-U Wireless Subversion source
repository, with read-only anonymous access and read/write access
to account holders. So far, the repository keeps sources for two
projects---the station boot CD-ROM/CompactFlash, and building blocks
for a wireless routing daemon.  You are invited to use this repository
for your own C-U Wireless software projects.

A lot of development is ahead, if C-U Wireless will continue
to grow. Please get involved. Off the top of my head, there
are important projects that need to be done in routing, device
drivers, auto-configuration, user interface, quality of service,
and documentation. What else? Take this opportunity to scratch your
wireless itch.

I am accepting requests for user accounts. Send me a work proposal, your
name and phone number, and your preferred login. It may be easier for
both of us if you send me a BSD /etc/passwd entry and/or a DSA public
key, too. If I do not know you personally, I will need for somebody who
I do know to vouch for you.

OJC will host the server. Here are the terms.

    OJC will lend C-U Wireless the use of one its static IP addresses
    for four months at a time, and also let us put a server on one of the
    "customer" ports on the firewall.

    David Young will administrate the C-U Wireless server in collaboration
    with other project members.

    A C-U Wireless server will not put an unusual burden on OJC's
    network connection.

    C-U Wireless is willing to provide progress updates on the development
    it does and to provide projects originated by C-U Wireless to OJC
    under BSD license, with all our contributions to other projects being
    available as open source under those projects' respective licenses.

    C-U Wireless will grant accounts on our server to developers in
    C-U and around the world. To help protect OJC's network, we will
    take reasonable efforts to verify the identity and integrity of
    our developers.

    C-U Wireless will acknowledge OJC for lending the network connection
    in our server's UNIX login banner and on our website.

    OJC gives C-U Wireless one month's warning before taking back its
    IP address.


David Young             OJC Technologies
dyoung at ojctech.com      Urbana, IL * (217) 278-3933

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