[Cu-wireless] Download page, new member introduction

Stephane Alnet stephane at shimaore.net
Thu Apr 29 16:29:25 CDT 2004

> I've read the BitTorrent FAQ, and I'm stumped.
> I only get a 1K file.

That's the BitTorrent file itself. The BitTorrent file is only a 
"pointer" on how to gather the pieces to get the actual file. You need 
to run BitTorrent on that file to get the actual file.

Let's say you've downloaded the first of the ISO links on the CUWin 
Downloads page. The file you got should be named 

Then you would have to run something like the following (this is with 
Debian on a terminal window):

   btdownloadcurses istaboot-01-Apr-2004.iso.gz.torrent

There may be multiple programs whose names start with "btdownload" (I 
have "btdownloadcurses", "btdownloadgui" and "btdownloadheadless"). 
Curses will give you a text interface, GUI an interface for X11, and 
headless will just print out stuff on the screen.


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