[CUWiN] can you house people august 20-22, 2004 for the Wireless Summit:

Sascha Meinrath sascha at ucimc.org
Wed Jul 7 13:48:27 CDT 2004

hi all,

if you're local and can house folks during the community wireless
networking summit, please drop me a quick e-mail (offlist) with the
following information:

1. your address & phone number & e-mail
2. number of bed-type spaces you can accomodate
3. number of sleeping bag-type spaces you have available

please let me know as soon as possible if you can sleep folks during the
event.  more information should be available soon on the
www.communitywirelesssummit.org website.


Sascha Meinrath
Project Manager & Pres.  *  Project Manager        *  Project Coordinator
Acorn Worker Collective *** Eggplant Active Media *** CUWiN
www.acorncollective.com  *  www.eggplantmedia.com  *  www.cuwireless.net

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