[CUWiN] Adding a new filesystem

David Young dyoung at pobox.com
Fri Jan 14 04:48:30 CST 2005

On Fri, Jan 14, 2005 at 02:21:27AM -0800, Peter Barry wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using the 128MB CF CUWiN staboot. I would like to create a new filesystem to accomadate some new files (my files, other than the CUWiN standard files)
> The existing filesystems are limited to 29MB. Here is the output from command:
> df  -h  
> Filesystem Size Used Avail   Capacity Mounted on
> /dev/wd01   29M  29M  -1.3M   104%    /
> mfs:8         47K   42K   4.5K     90%    /dev
> /etc           29M   29M  -1.3M   104%    /permanent/etc


I am surprised that on the 128MB CF, you have only a 29MB root filesystem.
Do you know which file you downloaded?

Here is df -h on one of a 128MB CF I made for development today:

Filesystem    Size     Used     Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/wd0a      59M      23M       34M    40%    /
mfs:10         47K      41K      4.0K    91%    /dev
/etc           59M      23M       34M    40%    /permanent/etc
mfs:1363      1.3M     929K      352K    72%    /etc
/home          59M      23M       34M    40%    /permanent/home
mfs:1373       68K      51K       14K    79%    /home
/tmp           59M      23M       34M    40%    /permanent/tmp
mfs:1390      324K     512B      307K     0%    /tmp
/var           59M      23M       34M    40%    /permanent/var
mfs:1394      5.3M     4.6M      440K    91%    /var

We reserve half of the CF card for an upgrade image.

> I would like to add a new filesystem that can utilize the rest of the
> available space on the CF, beyond the 29M.
> What would be the proper way to do this.

I recommend that people make their changes to the CUWiN sources, and then
build a new CF card.  That may be cumbersome for you.  Shall I make you
a new 128MB CF card image?


David Young             OJC Technologies
dyoung at ojctech.com      Urbana, IL * (217) 278-3933

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