[Imc-litbl] litbl missed (AND A CALL FOR AUDIO!)

Jay Morris jrmorris at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 21 11:57:24 CST 2002

Mark (and all litbl folks) (and all IMC folks),

Life in the Bike Lane has been going through a little slump lately, partly 
because people have been so busy, and we haven't been getting any new 
content in.

I sent out an email a while ago, asking people to sign up for show times, 
but I think that was a bad approach.  Pauline and I have been talking about 
this, and what we really want to encourage people to do is exactly what Mark 
is suggesting: collect some interviews or other audio for shows, and bring 
it in for us to produce.

The MAIN problem we're having with litbl is a lack of audio content.  I have 
time on Tuesdays to produce shows, if people bring in their audio, and are 
willing to spend just a few minutes in person or in an email to at least 
give me a rough idea of what the audio is about (e.g., I don't know anything 
about the "dwell in joy" conference, although I REALLY would love to learn 
about it, as would our listeners!).  In fact, an email description would be 
good for this, and could be done whenever you have a few minutes.  And I can 
do more research on my own, and get up to speed on these things before I put 
shows together.

One reason this system should work better is because people don't have time 
to produce.

Another reason this system will be better is that it should result in a more 
consistent production pattern, and a more consistent style in the show.  I'm 
not sure how much 'production style' counts in community radio (versus the 
learning and experience factors of teaching everyone to produce their own 
shows, which I would also love to do), but one of Pauline's goals for litbl 
was to get it out to other places.  These shows are a good size to be sent 
off to Free Speech Radio News, and other places.

So YES, I would be extremely happy if people collected audio and brought it 
in for me!

As for the missing shows last week, I think that may be my fault (sorry!).  
I will be producing a new show for next Wednesday on the city's new hybrid 
car, and I hope we'll have a show about the "dwell in joy" conference for 
the following week.

What else have you folks got? BRING IT IN!!!

Thanks for bringing this up Mark,

>From: Mark Enslin <enslin at prairienet.org>
>To: imc-litbl at lists.groogroo.com
>CC: kranich at WILL.uiuc.edu
>Subject: [Imc-litbl] litbl missed
>Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 10:51:42 -0600 (CST)
>This is partly a mea culpa and partly a beep:
>A couple of weeks ago I told pauline (somewhat informally, I had
>mistakenly thought) that i would produce a litbl, and didn't notify
>anybody when it turned out to be not possible. Thus there was no litbl
>last wednesday & this past monday.
>I just got a message today saying there was no litbl yesterday. Was there
>an expectation that I would do it?
>some points to note:
>1. i consider myself on the fringes of litbl; I have produced only one
>so far (on community land trusts) and haven't been to any meetings
>2. it's not good when weft has placed litbl in its regular schedule and
>there are weeks without shows
>3. pauline just attended a weft programming committee meeting in which the
>problem of missed shows was addressed, and suggested a solution (keeping a
>disc of current shows and a disc of evergreens as backup) -- yet to
>4. when i first joined the programming committee, I heard about a long
>standing wish that local community drop-ins be developed, and litbl comes
>along to fulfill that wish superbly, i.e. litbl rocks!
>5. I have unedited audio from the "dwell in joy" conference plus an
>interview with two of the organizers, and barely any time to even hand it
>off to somebody: jay, i heard you'd be willing to produce pieces from
>audio supplied to you. unfortunately my tuesdays are such that i cannot
>come by the imc. do you have a suggestion? (will you be at the farewell
>party for pauline tomorrow?)
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 08:58:02 -0600
>From: "Kranich, Kimberlie" <Kranich at WILL.uiuc.edu>
>To: "'enslin at prairienet.org'" <enslin at prairienet.org>
>Subject: Mark, this needs your attention
>Please reply and copy me when you do. Thanks!
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Steven J Scher [mailto:cfsjs at eiu.edu]
>Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 4:01 PM
>To: Kranich, Kimberlie
>Subject: Drop In Stuff
>As best as I can tell, there hasn't been a "Life In The Bike Lane"
>available for at least the last 2 weeks.  Do you know what the situation
>is with that?  I usually substitute "The Environmental Moment" when I
>can't find LitBL.  But,
>Lately, there also haven't been any new "90 Sec. Naturalists" either.  For
>latest draft of the MM Guide sheets?  Thanks.
>Steven J. Scher              cfsjs at eiu.edu         Listen to WEFT 90.1FM
>Department of Psychology     217-581-7269
>Eastern Illinois University                Sim shalom tovah u'vracha...
>Charleston, IL 61920                        Grant peace, goodness, and
>USA                                          grace, kindness and mercy....
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