[Imc-makerspace] Fwd: [hackerspaces] Call for HELP!! Hacker-sourced PechaKucha Talk

Stewart Dickson MathArt at Emsh.CalArts.edu
Sun Aug 29 16:15:34 CDT 2010

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[hackerspaces] Call for HELP!! Hacker-sourced PechaKucha Talk
Date: 	Sun, 29 Aug 2010 16:57:45 -0400
From: 	Ashley McClelland <armcclelland at gmail.com>
Reply-To: 	Hackerspaces General Discussion List 
<discuss at lists.hackerspaces.org>
To: 	Hackerspaces General Discussion List <discuss at lists.hackerspaces.org>

Hi everyone,

I'll be giving a talk on, generally, hackerspace at the ideaSPARK 
section of an artsy/hacky conference in the Raleigh, NC area called 
"sparkcon" -- http://www.sparkcon.com/

OK, so here's where YOU come in. The theme for my talk is very generally 
explaining what hackerspaces are, and why they are awesome. The audience 
will be varied, and definitely not *full of hackers*, but I want 
everyone present to be able to think "SWEET!" in one way or another.

After throwing around some ideas in IRC (#trihack on freenode -- a 
channel for the upcoming hackerspace(s) in the Raleigh-Durham, NC area), 
we came up with the idea to present hackerspaces in the theme of 
metaphor and simile. If you're interested in helping me out with this (I 
THAT CREATIVE haha), reply to this thread with a simile/metaphor that 
you think represents what a hackerspace is. It can be funny, serious, or 
both. And it *should* include an accompanying slide if you really want 
me to use it! (I might butcher your idea, otherwise, visually.)
Hackerspaces are like keggers with geek toys.
Hackerspaces are like Montessori Schools for adults
Hackerspaces void warranties or "hackerspaces are where voiding 
warranties is a way of life"
A hackerspace is a physical community where technology, art, and 
imagination intersect and multiply.
And so on!

I will give cred however you want (Name, @twitter, website, etc!) Just 
add it to the slide (powerpoint form preferred, but I can convert if 
needed-- no worries. PDF/jpg is even ok.) Also include the hackerspace 
you are currently a part of, and a URL to the site if desired.

Thanks in advance! I have a week to gather all of this, and I'll be 
spreading the thread to other hackerspaces as well. I need 20 
ideas/slides -- so if you make me a slide also, your idea is basically 
guaranteed to get in.


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