[Imc-makerspace] Minutes: MakerSpaceU Business Meeting Sunday 8/31/2011

Stewart Dickson MathArt at Emsh.CalArts.edu
Mon Aug 1 15:01:12 CDT 2011

Here are my notes from the meeting.   (Yours may vary.  -- The 
Unreliable Witness)

Present:  Jeff Putney, Brian Duggan, Stewart Dickson, Barry Todd, 
Gergana Slavova, Erich Heine

git remote add upstream git at git.chambana.net:makerspaceu.git
git push upstream master  (Uses Ssh DSA key)  (Er, what is the p*sswd?)
Erich, Brian, Chris Ritzo and I are working this out.

Re: [hackerspaces] Hackerspace Passports
...Your hackerspace or hacker con should make a stamp so that people 
with Hackerspace Passports can get theirs stamped with your cool stamp!
You can get self-inking rubber stamps with 3 lines of plain text on them 
locally for $16.00

Brian suggested maintaining an External Relations Liason with other 
Stewart volunteered for this position.

IMC IndyMedia & Arts program will require 5 workstations over the next 
two weeks to use for
Arduino Robotics workshops.

The suggestion was made to contact Sector67, Madison, WI thanking them 
again for Brian Baker's participation in the Summer Make-ation Arduino 
Robotics lab and offering in exchange a
group from MakerSpace-U to trek to Madison to present either a Pewter 
Casting or Mesh Wifi workshop.  I sent off an e-mail to 
<team at sector67.org> (Cc: Brian Baker, Brian Duggan)
today at 11:10AM suggesting that we send a group (with at least three 
weeks advanced notice)
to Sector67, Madison to present the workshop.

Jeff Putney suggested that we create a workshop checklist on the 
MakerSpace Wiki
<http://wiki.ucimc.org/bin/view/MakerspaceUrbana/WebHome>  This would 
contain a list of
everything required regarding setting up a WorkShop at the MakerSpace.

Brian Duggan will sadly be leaving us some time between six weeks from 
now and the end
of October, when his Americorps contract runs out.   The IMC and 
Chambana.net will be losing
a very valuable and productive member, and the MakerSpace wants to 
maintain continuity during
the transition.

Brain said that it would be OK to post an advertisement for the 
Chambana.net Web Admin and
Computer Help Desk positions at CUVolunteer.org  I have begun this.  
CUVolunteer.org said:
"Before you can post events, you'll have to be authorized, and we'll 
send email when this is done - please allow two working days for us to 
do this."  I attempted entering Skill/Interests for the 
MakerSpace-Urbana, but I encountered server errors.  I think that they 
did not go in.

Continuity:  MakerSpace bookkeeping reports
IMC Finance Group meets 4:30 PM Thursdays.
We can request a report at any time.   Durl Kruze, IMC Treasurer,  Carol 
Danielle Chynoweth   imc-bookkeeper at lists.chambana.net

It was suggested that someone monitor the MakerSpace bookkeeping reports 
and raise an alarm when we drop below a certain safety cushion budget 
threshold -- in time
to take action to turn it around.  I'm not sure the we have established 
the Treasury/Budget
point person.

Brian Duggan gave us a report on what his current understand of our 
available budget is.

Continuity:  Keep in touch with Brian Bell, Parkland CS/IT Re; Computers 
on the way.

Continuity: Mini Maker Faire -- Sara Dolinar

Continuity: Chambana.net -- Colten Jackson is "in training"

Derek and Erich are working on an electronic sign-in page for the 
MakerSpace and Computer Help Desk -- Phil ??

Continuity:  Computer Help Desk -- Barry Todd
Stewart thinks a second person should join Barry to help out with the 
Computer help desk.

MakerSpace Public Google calendar (from Brian's e-mail of 1/8/11 5:37 PM):

Continuity:  Monitoring UC2B -- Urbana-Champaign Big Broadband -- 
Austin --  The initial build is in the West Bradley Avenue-Bloomington 
Road neighborhood

Matt (SoapBoxPoet) Findlay expressed interest in painting a wall (A mural?)
Everyone agreed that we should ask Matt to present a proposal with 
designs of what he has in mind.

Erich and Gergana -- "Sunday Series" -- afternoon presentations

Barry will investigate and propose a storage plan involving containers 
for the Arduino kits, etc.

Future MakerSpace Business meetings:  4th Sunday of the month at 7:00PM

Did I miss anything?   Please let me know!  Thanks!


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