[Imc-makerspace] A Call to Arms (OR: let's hang out and talk about revolution)

Colten Jackson jazzyjackson at gmail.com
Thu Sep 29 09:55:19 CDT 2011

I've hooked myself some momentum on a fresh subreddit I started about 6
hours ago: the99.reddit.com

It's intended to be a parallel movement to OccupyWallSt, but on a larger
scale. Inspired by the General Assembly method being used by protesters in
NYC to gain a consensus on grievances, demands, and how to move forward, I'm
proposing we build a structure for General Assemblies across the country to
build consensus on a town, to county, to region, to state, to nationwide
level. The method for communication I've chosen being reddit - seeing as how
its popular, dead simple for people to start a new subreddit to have
locally-relevant conversations, and allows for in-depth conversation on
several topics simultaneously. If you go to the link above, you can read
move about what I have in mind and read the introductions of a few people
who have expressed why they have joined the subreddit. I'm hoping for it to
become more well established and get some direction before / as it gets

So, what do I want to talk to you makerspace types about? I have some ideas
on how the makerspaces and IMCs across the country can help with this: I'm
going to contact the OccupyWallSt media tent and see if I can set up some
way for us to collect raw footage, ftp it over to a server a little heftier
that macbooks on mcdonalds' wifi or whatever their working with on Wall
Street. Mirror them through other makerspaces, fire up a torrent so anyone
can download raw footage for the purpose of putting together media reports.
Maybe leverage the IMCs to use the raw footage (epic collab between public
media and makerspaces) - maybe turn makerspaces into video editing and
social media labs where we can better organize some of these General
Assemblies here in Urbana, document it, make stories to pass on to media
about the progress being made and the possibilities of this movement.

Well, I've been working off coffee since midnight, so I hope I've been
articulate enough here. Can we get anyone interested to meet at the
makerspace for a special session this weekend?
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