[Imc-makerspace] Fwd: Seeking presentations for young adults for IHC Road Scholars speakers bureau

UCIMC Operations Director ucimcoperationsdirector at gmail.com
Fri Mar 20 15:17:50 EDT 2015

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Matt Meacham <mwm at prairie.org>
Date: Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 1:00 PM
Subject: Seeking presentations for young adults for IHC Road Scholars
speakers bureau
To: Matt Meacham <mwm at prairie.org>

     Hello from the Illinois Humanities Council <http://www.prairie.org/>!
I have the privilege of coordinating our *Road Scholars speakers bureau
<http://www.prairie.org/programs/ihc-road-scholars-speakers-bureau>*.  I’m
writing to ask for your help in identifying potential speakers whose
presentations would interest people under age 25.

     For almost two decades, our *Road Scholars* program has offered
cultural organizations in communities throughout our state the opportunity
to host presentations by some of Illinois’ foremost authors, storytellers,
historians, anthropologists, living history actors, and other cultural

     Each year, we offer a roster of about 25 to 30 presentations from
which organizations may select.  We provide the presenters’ honoraria and
travel costs, publicize the events through our website (which is about to
undergo a major update) and other online media, and provide resources that
the host organizations may use in promoting them locally.  In the past four
years alone, we’ve produced almost 600 *Road Scholars* presentations in
cooperation with organizations throughout the state.  Both the host
organizations and the audiences consistently report high levels of
satisfaction with these events.

     As we begin preparing for our 2015-16 *Road Scholars* season, we’re
especially interested in locating speakers who can give presentations that
will interest people under age 25, including those who live in rural
communities.  We want to ensure that our *Road Scholars* programming
addresses younger Illinois residents’ cultural needs and interests.

     The application form
<https://ilhumanitiescouncil.wufoo.com/forms/z1nh4dz90a9e360/> for
prospective speakers who wish to be considered for the 2015-16 *Road
Scholars* roster, which will take effect in November 2015, is available here
<https://ilhumanitiescouncil.wufoo.com/forms/z1nh4dz90a9e360/>.  If you
know of any Illinois residents who might be interested in participating in
this program and could give presentations on topics or issues of interest
to young adults, please share this message with them and encourage them to
apply.  Of course, if you fit that description, yourself, please apply!
The application deadline is Friday, May 8, at 5 PM.

     Obviously, young adults in Illinois are interested in a wide range of
subjects, so we’re open to almost any possibility.  We’ll also be happy to
consider a wide variety of presentation formats, especially ones that
enable audiences to participate actively rather than listening quietly
throughout the whole presentation.  Most *Road Scholars* presentations
feature just one speaker, but we are open to presentations involving two
speakers, including presentations in which two speakers present contrasting
perspectives on a particular topic and then invite the audience to discuss
it.  Presentations may also include elements of music, storytelling, drama,
or visual art.

     Again, we would be very grateful if you would encourage any good
potential speakers to apply
<https://ilhumanitiescouncil.wufoo.com/forms/z1nh4dz90a9e360/> by May 8 to
join our *Road Scholars* roster.  If I can answer any questions or be of
any help, please let me know.  Thank you very much!


Matt Meacham

*Matt Meacham*

Program coordinator-access | Illinois Humanities Council | Suite 1400 | 17
North State St.| Chicago, IL 60602.3296
312.422.5589 (Matt Meacham's desk)  | 312.422.5588 Fax | mwm at prairie.org

*www.prairie.org* <http://www.prairie.org/> | *Follow*
<http://twitter.com/ilhumanities> us on Twitter - @ILhumanities | *Like*
<http://www.facebook.com/ILhumanities> us on Facebook! | 312.422.5580 (central

Dear Carr
Operations Director
UCIMC * 202 S. Broadway Ave. #100, Urbana, IL 61801
217-344-8820 * www.ucimc.org

UCIMC = media + art + technology for community empowerment and social
We are powered by hundreds of volunteers and small donations.
Become a member <http://www.ucimc.org/content/membership> or make a
donation today <http://www.ucimc.org/content/donate>. View all our programs
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