[Imc-midwest-regional] Regional Indymedia Gathering in Urbana, Illinois.

Stephen P Konieczka spkonieczka at juno.com
Sat Aug 25 02:38:55 CDT 2001

Hi all, Steve in Chicago here.  

I'm extremely supportive of the idea of a regional gathering—as I'm sure
all of us at the Chicago IMC are—but I must say that when I envision a
"regional gathering" I don't think of seminars, speeches and big names. 
I think of utilizing the time we have together—when the tear gas isn't
stifling and the deadlines are further ahead—to get some of the ground
work laid for building the IMC into all we know it can be.  

My opinion of the regional gathering is this: During this precious time
we'll have together the what, when and how of building the IMCs at the
local, regional and global level should be the overwhelming majority of
the weekends' agenda; that everyone come to U-C (or any other place) with
every intention of working their asses off to address as many of the
issues stated below (and any not stated) as possible; and that we leave
as a stronger, more unified and connected organization.

I imagine using this time in October(?) to share ideas and resources that
increase each of our locals' impact at home. I think of the possibilities
for discussing and strengthening our regional network (as well as that of
global) through discussions on our communications infrastructure.  I seek
to use this time—as short as it is—to examine how we deal with the forces
that are bearing down on us with increasing violence.  I look forward to
expressing our resolve to collaborate on large projects that our
inadequately funded operations need to tackle (such as the upcoming Ill.
governor's  race) and returning home to executing that resolve. I hope to
discuss the tough issues (language barriers, decision making, the
charter, ect.) which the network is struggling with. In short: I want to
advance "the network" beyond rhetoric.

I'd be happy to discuss, collaborate and present with anyone, any of
these topics. I implore others to do likewise. Let's save the speeches
for our victory.

Stephen Konieczka

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