[Imc-newsroom] Re: feature story

Zachary C. Miller wolfgang at wolfgang.groogroo.com
Sat Jun 1 12:53:48 CDT 2002

I've just learned that it is going to be another few hours before
Ahmed's supporters are ready with their statement, they are in contact
with the family and will be receiving a phone call from Ahmed
shortly. They are preparing a statement summarizing developments from
those and previous communications. 

I'll let you know as soon as I know what is going on. 

Josh wrote:
> Hey, Zach. My name is Josh and I work with the www-features team. I recently suggested 
> a feature that would highlight the kidnap of  Ahmed Bensouda in the context of a new 
> round of fed repression, but then I saw your post to the UCIMC newswire: 
> http://www.ucimc.org/front.php3?article_id=5753&group=webcast
> What's up? Is this message actually from Mr. Bensouda's family? Please follow up and 
> keep us posted. 
> Thank you, 
> Josh
> NYC and Michigan IMCs

Zachary C. Miller - @= - http://wolfgang.groogroo.com/
IMSA 1995 - UIUC 2000 - Just Another Leftist Muppet - Ya Basta!
 Social Justice, Community, Nonviolence, Decentralization, Feminism,
 Sustainability, Responsibility, Diversity, Democracy, Ecology

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