[Imc-radio] Re: [Imc] Mojo dead

Brian Hagy bhagy at urbana.indymedia.org
Wed Mar 26 13:05:07 CST 2003

> Also, when I was attempting to print out a fiscal sponsorship letter, I
> noticed that the user drive on Sergei is completely full.  Much of the use
> of the production room has not been for production or IMC work.  The

i know about sergei's hard drive being full.  the reason is simple.
people keep storing their work on the c:drive.  and now, making things
worse, is that everyone who gets an account, those files are duplicated on
sergei (and probably every win machine that person then logs onto).
whereas, before on sergei there were only four accounts (admin, mine,
audio, and video), now there are 10!  and more to come as people get their
own accounts.  sergei won't have room for them, until i have a chance to
get in and rearrange the hard disk space.  there will be room (one of the
partitions could be resized to allow the c:drive partition more room). but
i won't have a chance to get to that until at least next week.

but still, no one should be saving their work on the c:drive, and everyone
should be responsible enough to empty their trash!



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