[Imc-radio] Radio minutes 1/13/2004

Zachary C. Miller wolfgang at wolfgang.groogroo.com
Sun Jan 18 00:10:17 CST 2004

1/26 - Zach & Jay
2/2 - Sarah Kanouse
2/9 - Danielle with Sehvilla or Zoe
2/16 - Zach & Jay (LPFM feature?)

Ondine has purchased some recording equipment and is awaiting
delivery. She wants to become more independent in collective
audio. She gets a CD of raw audio, edits using timer after a bunch of
listening. Then she comes in and works with the producer.

Ondine doesn't have plans about the next story but is available to
interview people. How comfortable are we for phone interviews.

there's a city council related story about an ordinance that will be
presented next monday regarding domestic partner benefits, contact
Danielle Chynoweth or Bruce Walden or Ruth Wyman or Mona Shannon
(Personel manager). Kate is willing to work on it with someone. Ondine
can show up on Thursday morning and Kate can work with her. Everyone
(Ondine, Kate, Danielle) will meet at 9:30am at the city building (400
S. Vine) to do interviews.

We need to schedule a training day. Danielle can teach, Zach can
assist. Sunday at 3:30pm. We'll teach how to pull audio from minidisc
and edit in sound forge.

Other stories (these aren't all assigned to reporters): 
 Interview people from AWARE about O'Neil's revelations about the Iraq war (gather audio about this at AWARE meeting after Sunday's training)
 Sandra wants to report about John Piland (States Attorney, county)
 Mike mentions Human Rights Conference (contact belden?, 1st Sat in March)
 Sandra mentions Jan 23rd-25th - Incarceration or Education (center for diversity in multi-racial society)
 Smart Growth Conference in Portland (Danielle is going and will gather audio)
 Intensional unprofessional behavior in urban education (Anna)
 Microprocessor invention (Anna)
 LPFM feature (Zach)
 Walmart (Greens might be interested in doing a piece)
 Parkland Home School
Headlines - we want to bring it back, if people have headlines send it
in to the radio group email list. Sandra will help coordinate
headlines. Producers are committed to including headlines in their
weekly pieces. Sandra will coordinate headlines for next 2
weeks. Preproduction is prefered. Sandra will deal with text,
producers will deal with getting the text recorded.

Zach will handle website uploads of the final produced shows. 


Training will be done by Danielle, Zach, Clint. 

Jay needs to drop out, Zach can only do this once a month. Danielle
can do this once a month. Danielle will contact the IMC Girls group
about the Sunday training. Post to IMC group at large (Zach will do
this). Tell people they need to RSVP to chyn at ojctech.com.

Scheduling, we're scheduled through the 16th. We need to schedule Feb
23rd and Mar 1st. We'll pitch for this at the training.

Did anyone hear the thing on WEFT about the anniversary party? Zach
will try to get it online from Jacqueline.

Anna's Interview - 

Clint was interested in the story but then decided he can't work on
the piece. Folks have suggested that Anna post the story to the
website, more viewers, we can understand the story better if it is
posted to the website, if no one here can take this on as a story then
it won't get to IMCRN. We can give Anna the audio. Anna explains that
she feels Clint didn't conduct the interview properly. If no one can
produce this then it will not be produced. We're in transition, the
group is stressed. Some miscommunications may have happened.

What outcome do you hope to accomplish? Exposure of unfair treatment. 

Zach will put it up on the website.

Group will not air this piece.

Zachary C. Miller - @= - http://wolfgang.groogroo.com/
IMSA 1995 - UIUC 2000 - Just Another Leftist Muppet - Ya Basta!
 Social Justice, Community, Nonviolence, Decentralization, Feminism,
 Sustainability, Responsibility, Diversity, Democracy, Ecology

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