[Imc-radio] great event (& recording?)

Sandra Ahten spiritofsandra at hotmail.com
Sun Feb 27 21:36:38 CST 2005

Is anyone willing to video or audio record the event detailed below 
tomorrow? I think they are all really powerful speakers. I think the talk by 
David Roediger might be able to be submitted for broadcast on Alternative 
Radio. I'm sure we could get it replayed on WEFT. I would be happy to edit 
it -- if someone could get a high quality recording.


The bombs in Vietnam explode at home; they destroy the hopes and
possibilities for a decent America."   Martin Luther King (1967)

                 A Community Forum sponsored by UC Progressives

Monday, February 28th at 7:30pm
Urbana Civic Center (108 Water St, off Broadway, 1 block north of Main 
Guest Speakers
- Dr. Robert Boone, local physician and Vietnam War veteran
- David Roediger, professor of African American Studies and Research and a 
founder of the Center on Democracy in a Multi-racial Society at the U of I
- Zohreh Sullivan, born in Iran and educated in Pakistan, she is an English 
professor at the U of I specializing in colonial and postcolonial 
literatures focusing on the Middle East. She is also a member of "Teachers 
for Peace and Justice."

Join us to discuss the impact of the war.  How has the war affected our 
images of Middle Eastern and Islamic people here and abroad?  How has the 
cost of the war hurt minority and poor people in the United States?  And 
fina! lly, what about the casualities of this war – what physical and 
psychological damage have civilians and those in the military experienced?  
Let’s talk about the ways in which this war and other "preemptive" wars that 
the administration might have in mind can be resisted.

Co-Sponsors include AWARE (the Anti-War, Anti-Racism Effort), Vietnam 
Veterans Against the War, Union of Professional Employees, 85% Coalition, 
School for Designing a Society, St. Jude Catholic Worker, Socialist Forum, 
CU Citizens for Peace and Justice, Urbana-Champaign Friends Meeting, El 
Centro por los Trabajadores, Channing Murray Foundation, & Student Peace 

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