[Imc-tech] assistance request

Stefani Banerian banerian at u.washington.edu
Thu Jan 11 13:05:11 CST 2001

as part of the "global" irc tech meeting (held tuesdays times alternate
for global coverage-you are invited to attend)  i volunteered to put
together a web page of emergency contact information for when the 'main'
indymedia servers are unavailable, and the 'main' irc server is down.

i was wondering if you'd be willing to host a copy of the web page of
contact/information.  i doublt it would be very large.

(another reason i'm asking is that we are looking for servers with non
*.indymedia.org domain names, so that when the dns servers are out of
contact, or down, there will be alternative ways to get the information)


stefani b.

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