[Imc-tech] Ellen's suggestions

Daniel S. Lewart d-lewart at uiuc.edu
Thu Jun 14 00:53:59 CDT 2001

UCIMC Tech Team,

I implemented Ellen's excellent suggestions:

1) imclogo.gif image links to http://urbana.indymedia.org/active/news/:

2) s/full rave/complete description/:

3) In groups listing, display city instead of region:

Adding the left sidebar to the calendar would be non-trivial.

Paul, exactly what wording do you want after this:
	$heading has been added to the webcast.  Thanks for contributing!

	<a href=".">go back to the front page</a>

	(press reload <b>after</b> you get to the front page to see your
	new story - please <b>don't</b> press reload before then, or
	we'll get two copies of your story!  Your story may take a minute
	or two to appear while files are transferred behind the scenes)


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