[Imc-tech] cities list is back

Daniel S. Lewart d-lewart at uiuc.edu
Thu May 31 02:48:44 CDT 2001


> The global people yanked the cities list that I was grabbing every
> night out from under us. I guess because it was an old version (but I
> didn't know where the new version was).

> I took a stab in the dark based on a hunch and figured out where the
> new version of the file was and updated by cron job to pull from there
> instead.

> The cities list is back.

> For the curious the cronjob is:

> 51 1 * * * /usr/bin/wget --quiet --output-document /var/www/imc/active/local/include/cities.inc http://sacco.indymedia.org/cities.inc

cities.inc is no longer on sacco.  The master copy appears to be on stallman:

Please s/sacco/stallman/ in the crontab.  Also, why don't you move it
to /etc/cron.daily?

d-lewart at uiuc.edu

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