[Imc-tech] map of all IMCs:

Sascha Meinrath sascha at ucimc.org
Fri Nov 21 14:27:50 CST 2003

thought this might interest folks.  the Global Indymedia Network is still
looking for someone to refine the mapping process:


more info:

| I've already whipped something together in python, you can download the
| code and take a look at the output (which ain't quite finished) here:
| http://volunteer.dega.indypgh.org/volunteer.indy/code/
| http://volunteer.dega.indypgh.org/volunteer.indy/code/output/

|>i don't remember who planned to implement it but i remember somebody
|>wanted to include a world map which displays the coordinates of an IMCs
|>on either the contact database itself or on the global indymedia.org
|>Here's a simple way to do so using PHP with gdlib extension and the GD
|>by tweaking this script a little bit it should be possible to display
|>all IMCs on this world map as a dot and link these dots up to the
|>corresponding website by means of an image map.

does this project interest anyone?


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