[Imc-tech] provider issues

Zachary C. Miller zach at chambana.net
Thu Dec 16 09:27:02 CST 2004

There may or may not be an impending interuption of network service at
my house due to Sol Tec canceling DSL. I'm working on getting new
service set up but the notification was very short on this. 

IP re-numbering will almost certainly have to happen.

In order to deal with this I want to move DNS services to another
location ASAP. Is there anyone on this list who could temporarily (1
month) host 80 domains for me? This is just for DNS hosting, not
server/web hosting. 

I want to move the DNS _before_ renumbering happens so that we can
have a smooth transition. 

Let me know if you can help.

Zachary C. Miller - @= - http://wolfgang.groogroo.com/
IMSA 1995 - UIUC 2000 - Just Another Leftist Muppet - Ya Basta!
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