[IMC-Tech] Still hoping for an account on the chambana.net server to edit AWARE web site...

Stuart Levy slevy at ncsa.uiuc.edu
Sat Aug 5 10:29:41 CDT 2006

Hello all,

I'm a member of AWARE, have volunteered to maintain its anti-war.net
web site which is hosted on the chambana.net server, and am still
seeking a (shell if possible) account on the server.  Is this possible?

If not, is there anyone listening who can say No so we can move the
site elsewhere?

I've now also offered to be a moderator-for-non-subscriber-posts to the
"peace" and "peace-discuss" mailing lists.  AWARE hasn't yet met to
agree to moderation of the mailing lists as a policy, so nothing should be
changed yet.  But it will likely be approved, so I'm asking how it'd
get done -- and if imc-tech will be the wrong place to write to request
such a change, please let me know where the right place is.

Thanks on both counts

   Stuart Levy, slevy at ncsa.uiuc.edu

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