[IMC-Tech] problems with the public access terminals in main show space...

dan blah dan.blah at gmail.com
Sun Aug 6 15:10:45 CDT 2006

hey all,
i just got in today and saw that the public access points set up by
tech/cuwin were taken apart and moved over to one table so that one of
the folding tables could used to extend the sound board table.  the
original set up was not put back together as it was.

this is three weeks in a row that the terminals have been broken down
for shows (first two weeks they put them back together).  it would
seem to me that there should be no need for me to say that if you
*MUST* break them down it would be expected to put them back together.
 very soon we will be getting some publicity for our open access
points, free voip service, and free hotspots.  with there being only
one person (me?) who will end up putting them back together when they
are left apart, that will more than likely end up disappointing people
who visit the imc for these services.

i have absolutely no problem with people using those tables (i assumed
this was going to happen as they are the only folding tables around)
but do have a problem with things not getting put back the way they
were.  also, eventually if they are being broke down every weekend
stuff will break or turn up missing.  my suggestion is that we
purchase a couple more tables for the main space.  i would also like
to see the terminals not get broken down at all for any show.  if you
are expecting a rowdy crowd and are worried about their safety... get
more staff to watch out for them.  if you are worried about the access
terminals pulling attention away from your show... put on a better

on a side note, when trying to find out who it was that had a show
last night (Stitches) on the new imc calender ther was no event.  i
had to go to the old shows event calender on sascha's site manually
because all of the links had been changed to point to the new

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