[IMC-Tech] what we are doing/going/wanting to do...

dan blah dan.blah at gmail.com
Thu Aug 24 14:23:34 CDT 2006

move web off of imsahp
this will be a bit of a task but not as big as moving mail off imsahp
:)  we created www2 a records for all domains pointing to the new
server and are cping /var/www and dbs over to the new server for
testing.  once we verify the sites functionality we will notify
webmasters of the change and create user accounts that need access to
manage their sites.  i would like to keep allow only ssh/sftp (i know
there is ftp access to imsahp).  there are plenty of bad to decent
free ssh/sftp clients out there for win32 (http://www.coreftp.com/,
putty, http://winscp.net/, etc.).  after we have all the users added
to the new server we set a cut off date, rsync the pages, update the
dbs, and change the ns records.
<insert issues that will arise while doing this>

mv primary dns off of imsahp
move this to the building firewall/dhcp server to get bind and dns
working together

get electric-pickle.net working as a secondary dns for chambana.net

beef up mail's spam protection
get postfix to do envelope address blocking and set up a tempfs spool
directory with all the extra memory we get w/o having a botched apache

fix subversion
i have no idea whats wrong with it except that i know i cant pull the
whole cuw repository.

finish setting up the backup/file server
we have a few 100GB of free space for backups, multimedia files, and
well anything else that is needed.

please reply with all comments.

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