[IMC-Tech] Not going to be able to make the meeting tonight...

dan blah dan.blah at gmail.com
Thu Mar 23 18:53:49 CST 2006

I have a 9AM meeting tomorrow that I am of course not prepared for.

The only thing i would like to see O.K.ed is the entry location for
the insight cable line.  The current cable location is the shoddy
green box on the northwest corner of the IMC property inside of the
sidewalk.  The plan was to run a trench from there into one of the
basement windows thus removing any cable on the side of the building. 
Not knowing what can and can't be done on the outside I would like
this addressed.  From there the cable would run from the broiler room
ceiling into the RFU studio (hole already exists), into the audio
production room (hole already exists), up into the ceiling and into
the *i think* already approved server room which is the old peep
space.  For the sake of stating, with the possible exception of
creating or finding an in from outside to the broiler room, this
installation requires no new holes or drilling inside.

 If this is fine with space I will then bring that approval and the
associated monthly and installation costs to steering next Thursday
for approval.


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