[IMC-Tech] Next wave of things to do...

dan blah dan.blah at gmail.com
Tue Nov 14 15:14:29 CST 2006

Now that web and mail are seemingly stable we want to
implement/improve a few things into the chambana.net servers.  Below
are are list of things and some basic descriptions.

proper replication between primary and secondary dns

ensure working backups from mail and web servers to the file server

fix ucimc open access points:  that kind of work but will require an
upgrade to the firewall to get completely working.

mod_ssl:  is already compiled and installed just not configured

mod_security:  is a web application firewall engine that will reduce
many types of web spam and other malicious traffic targeting our web

Nagios:  is an open source host, service and network monitoring program.

Munin/MRTG:  monitoring tools that surveys all your computers and
remembers what it saw by displaying easy to read graphs.

Secure webmail via horde:  is just about complete

Other ideas?  Put them here...

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