[IMC-Tech] zach and ucimc.org's move from dada to drupal

dan blah dan.blah at gmail.com
Tue Sep 26 15:07:50 CDT 2006

chatting with zach about the server migration and the move from dada
to drupal with ucimc and wanted to make sure we all knew his ideas and

Zach Miller: important thing: you really will need to write some kind
of portal or rewrite rules to redirect old dada URLs to the new drupal
URLs...we're very heavily linked to out in the world. Is that part of
the plan?

dan blah: and we are going to put the old site into archive mode
dan blah: if it works
Zach Miller: well that's part of the problem, having the old site
(dada) running at all could cause the apache problem to persist.
Zach Miller: plus you'll have to deal with ongoing security
issues....better to port the old articles into drupal and just
translate the old URLs to drupal URLs.
Zach Miller: I'm thinking a simple mysql table that maps the old
article IDs to the new article IDs and a perl script or whatever that
handles all old Dada requests.
Zach Miller: I could write the translation/redirect script for you as
long as someone can keep track of the mapping from old dada article
IDs to new Drupal ids.


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