[IMC-Tech] moving the busiest sites...

Mike Lehman rebelmike at earthlink.net
Tue Feb 20 21:18:21 CST 2007

Sounds pretty much OK with me.

The only thing I would add is that it is nice when the website is down 
that the email still works. But I'd gotten used to doing without when 
they were together and dead -- it's just that this now seems like a luxury.

Also, we always had some weird things with email in the past that drug 
everything else down, tech stuff that is over my head, but assuming this 
is under control, then maybe it's nothing to be concerned about now.
Mike Lehman

dan blah wrote:
> hey all,
> i have set up a new server, mango.chambana.net, which has
> significantly more thourgh put than our current network.  i would like
> to throw out the idea of using it first for the busiest web sites we
> are hosting.  this would include for starters cuwin and ucimc's pages.
> eventually i would like to see other services that are currently
> struggling, like mail, move over as well.  thoughts?

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