[IMC-Tech] resolv.conf change on zeco...

dan blah dan.blah at gmail.com
Wed Jan 24 10:06:23 CST 2007


blah at zeco$ ls -lah /etc/resolv.conf
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel    51B Jan 21 16:38 /etc/resolv.conf

Jan 21 16:38:41 zeco sudo:  isaacsm : TTY=ttyp2 ;
PWD=/mnt/xtra/www/stnicholas.chambana.net/drupal/tmp/webcal ;
USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/vi /etc/resolv.conf

root at zeco# cat /etc/resolv.conf

this incorrect change to the file caused many internal processes to
fail as may scripts were not able to reach zeco who's ip resolved to rather than  due to network
configurations does not point to zeco internally but to
teco (the firewall).  i am suspecting you were trying to add a
subdomain and thus needed to add it internally to teco's named as well
as imsahp's.

as this is not the first time you have made changes w/o consulting
other admins who have set things up the way they are for a reason
(despite not being what you may thing is the best way) and
consequently caused network problems i am requesting you do not aquire
admin privileges w/o consulting other admins.  if you fail to follow
this i will request to the imc-tech group that we remove your admin

a note to all privileged users:
please follow good practices and understand that you are one of
thousands of users dependent on the working order of chambana.net
servers and thus proceed very cautiously to any system wide changes
you make.  if you don't know FOR SURE all of the results of any change
all you have to do is ask other admins.


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