[UCIMC-Tech] Spam Storm Coming

Mike Lehman rebelmike at earthlink.net
Fri Sep 19 21:33:02 CDT 2008

In a reminder about why we desperately need to get the website updated, we've been receiving clumsy probes the last several days from what looks like may be the next spam storm. Until today, these had consisted of double digit number titles, e.g. "55," and what seems to be an attempt to upload a file. e.g. "_original".

The latest one posted was titled "Miley Cyrus nude" and I edited that, along with deleting the file upload attempts on the previous messages. I'm not exactly looking forward to when the script kiddie gets his footing here on how to automate his crap.

We'd previously been forced to turn off anonymous comments because David hasn't had access to implement a better captcha scheme. It now looks like we may be about to need to do that with original article posting soon.

I'm just saying...
Mike Lehman

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