[UCIMC-Tech] Is Dreamweaver or Frontpage on public IMC machines?

Stuart Levy slevy at ncsa.uiuc.edu
Fri Jun 5 20:00:51 CDT 2009

Hi.  I was glad to hear from someone who is volunteering
to maintain AWARE's web pages... but he is familiar with
MS Frontpage and Adobe Dreamweaver, and doesn't have either
on his home computer.

Does the IMC have either software on any of their
generally-accessible machines?

(I suspect the answer is No, and have suggested that he could instead
use the WYSIWYG page editor that's built into e.g. Mozilla,
or potentially something we might be able to cook up using drupal,
somehow.  That may well be fine for him.  But thought I'd ask
about his preferred path just in case.)



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