[UCIMC-Tech] Bookkeeper List Status

Mike Lehman rebelmike at earthlink.net
Fri Nov 13 09:57:32 CST 2009

Have you had a chance to determine the status of the IMC-Bookkeeper 
list? We're continuing to have problems coordinating work and projects 
because of it being down. It's also an issue with our documentation 
requirements for such things as audits, board minutes, and other things 
that we need to have located in a central place for easy reference. Many 
things I can reference from last year because I save a lot of things 
here on my home computer, but when we go to look for the same stuff next 
year, I won't have it.

I assume that messages sent will eventually show up, so have continued 
to send items that I know we must preserve to the list, but as time goes 
on we get out of the habit of using it. Items do show up in moderation 
and I admin them through, so it is at least partially working. Now with 
a large group of new people in the building who have no experience with 
using the list, they will all need to get used to using it.

If it turns out that it can't be resurrected, then we need to build 
another list list configured in the same way as Bookkeeper was.
Mike Lehman

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