[UCIMC-Tech] [Community] Inappropriate behavior

Elizabeth Simpson elizacorps at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 7 15:02:13 CDT 2010

Hi folks-

Let's talk about this at the next community conenctions meeting- monday at 5pm. 
We haven't decided where it is, but if you aren't in the group and want to come 
drop and email and we'll be sure to let you know. 

Take care, 

 It's summer! That means I'm on email less often. Please feel free to call for 
timely issues: 217-344-8324

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From: mister garza <mistergarza at gmail.com>
To: IMC-Web at lists.chambana.net
Cc: outreach at lists.chambana.net; community at lists.chambana.net; 
bookstoprisoners at ucimc.org; finance at ucimc.org; tech at ucimc.org; 
imc-librarians at ucimc.org; rfu at lists.chambana.net; shows <shows at ucimc.org>; 
production at ucimc.org; print at ucimc.org; Bike Project Steering Committee 
<thebikeproject at gmail.com>
Sent: Wed, July 7, 2010 2:16:22 PM
Subject: [Community] Inappropriate behavior

I just wanted to send out a comment about a man who came by the WRFU
meeting last night and disrupted it to the extent that we had to
simply just quit and all walk out.

His name is Desmond I believe, and I've seen him around the IMC on a
couple of occasions. Last night he apparently came in (the upstairs
door was locked but the downstairs door must have been open), spent
some time talking to Betcham in his studio disrupting his work, and
then he came up and sat in on the WRFU meeting and proceeded to talk
about himself, his sexual exploits, his physical prowess, and I don't
remember what all, loudly and nonstop until people just had to get up
and leave. His behavior was mostly obnoxious, but some members felt it
was also intimidating as well, as he followed people out into the
parking lot and tried to borrow money and get a ride to somewhere.

All I can say is that to the best of my knowledge he doesn't
contribute anything to the IMC -- he in fact holds a very, very low
opinion of the place and everyone in it given what all he had to say
about us -- and I would personally recommend that everyone keep an eye
out for him and be prepared to possibly call the police. He was
clearly under the influence of something last night and while I didn't
get the sense that he was dangerous, he is not a small person and is
loud and aggressive.

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