[Imc-web-editor] Hidden Embedded Spam

Mike Lehman rebelmike at earthlink.net
Fri Jun 5 12:28:48 CDT 2009

I noticed a more difficult pattern of spam to spot in the last couple of 
days. This occurs in comments made at random to stories. There isn't any 
obvious sign of ad links, but I noticed when one was loading on my 
screen that the links popped up briefly as my computer was digesting the 
code. I was otherwise unable to to discern its existence in any way, 
until I looked at the page source code.

Here's what was there:
Thanks for sharing this information. I found it very informative as I 
have been researching a lot lately on practical matters such as you talk 
about...<a title="buy anabolic steroids" 
href="http://www.buyonlinesteroids.com/"></a><a title="legal steroids" 
href="http://www.buyonlinesteroids.com/"></a><a title="legal steroids 
for sale" href="http://www.buyonlinesteroids.com/"></a><

I deleted the text, both visible and hidden, from the comments. The IP 
used was was the same in all three. The best clue in 
diagnosing these is that they are seemingly irrelevant to the story, 
vague comments.
Mike Lehman

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