[Imc-web] Just Wondering

Mike Lehman rebelmike at earthlink.net
Wed Dec 15 16:17:46 CST 2004

Yeah, I agree, we should let each other know what we're up to when doing 
a Feature. It only takes a couple of lines to scratch out some 
background so that we all know why it's done. That way, if anyone has 
any questions -- and here I'm more concerned about people in general who 
aren't familiar with why/how we do things, so this could be educational 
in some fashion, too -- there is something we can refer back to.

Since we're kind of doing this ad hoc due to lack of time/etc to 
actually have regular meetings, this will have to serve as the way we do 
editing. Sometime, when we all get some time, we should formalize this 
whole process that has just grown like topsy, but has really worked out 
pretty well by being flexible.
Mike Lehman

Paul Bengt Riismandel wrote:

> Perhaps it might be a good practice for editors to e-mail this list
> whenever they featurize something, including a short explanation as to
> why it makes a good feature. 

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