[Imc-web] razorwire

Sascha Meinrath sascha at ucimc.org
Tue Nov 2 10:15:55 CST 2004

> In adding the time polls close (7pm) some of the commentary on the 
> razorwire got lost.  Not sure why - perhaps I was working off an old 
> copy. I just didn't want folks to think anyone deleted the razorwire 
> text on purpose.  I actually didn't like spin on the elections in a 
> razorwire and so I am not scrambling to reproduce it, but I certainly 
> didn't intent to delete it.

actually, i both posted the razorwire _and_ deleted the commentary (mainly 
because i thought it detracted from the intent of the razorwire).  so no 
worries.  just FYI -- we've finally gotten the IMC-US off the ground (it 
took TWO years, but has been well-worth the effort!) -- features from the 
UCIMC are being syndicated nationally (and any really good ones will 
probably get promoted to feature status); IMC-US is getting tens of 
thousands of hits, so if there was ever a day to connect the dots and 
write up a feature, today's the day!


Sascha Meinrath
President                 *   Project Coordinator   *   Policy Analyst
Acorn Worker Collective  ***  CU Wireless Network  ***  Free Press
www.acorncollective.com   *   www.cuwireless.net    *   www.freepress.net

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